13 March 2021

I had my little girl in September 2020 and after a few days I was struggling with breastfeeding mainly incredibly sore nipples, I was told she could be tongue tied and the wait was 2 weeks on the nhs so I contacted Lauren and booked an appointment with her that week. Lauren did a thorough examination on my little girl and it turns out she wasn’t tongue tied, I just needed a bit of support with attachment . Lauren was fantastic and so supportive , she observed me feeding my daughter and was able to offer lots of advice on different holds and how to get her to attach better on to the nipple . She also gave me some healing pads to help with the damage that had been done to my nipple which worked a treat! I have now been breastfeeding exclusively for 6 months and that was down to Lauren’s help ! So thank you! I also have a good supply of milk and am a registered milk donor for Oxford milk bank. Thank you Lauren 
